Patio Covers


Patio Cover


Do you have a patio or deck that is being neglected, or not being used to its fullest potential? Five Star Exteriors & Interiors of MN LLC has a wonderful solution. Many people lose valuable time on their patios during unpleasant outdoor conditions, such as the pounding sun or rain. Imagine how much more useful and usable your patio would be if you could utilize it during inclement weather! Five Star Exteriors & Interiors of MN LLC has specialized in installing patio covers on local houses and business properties for more than 16 years.


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expires 02/28/2025


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(612) 509-8610


Patio Covers Inexpensively Expand Living Space

Imagine sitting on your patio and enjoying the fresh air during a rain shower. You can experience the cool breeze of the night air without getting wet. Five Star Exteriors & Interiors of MN LLC specializes in expanding and enhancing outdoor living spaces by making patios more livable. Let the children play outside under a covered patio without fear of sunburns. When quality counts, call the pros who install patio covers the right way, each and every time. All necessary permits will be pulled and local building codes adhered to. Call today for more information.


Styles and Options for Patio Covers

Our options for patio covers are every bit as attractive as they are secure. Patio covers can also come with their own gutter systems that route water away from your patio floor and your building's foundation. You may choose to add screens or have your patio made "window ready". Five Star Exteriors & Interiors of MN LLC can even convert your patio into a screen room or sunroom. There is a wide variety of options available, and we can help you choose the design and options that will best suite your needs and stays within your budget. Whatever your vision for your patio, Five Star Exteriors & Interiors of MN LLC can help you see it through.

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(612) 509-8610

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